Award-winning artist Daryl Urig’s article “How to Paint with a Knife- A Beginner’s Guide“ was recently published in Painter’s Online, the website for Leisure Painter and The Artist magazines. This step-by-step guide to applying oil paint to canvas and manipulating it with a knife includes many pictures and practical tips – for example, Daryl doesn’t just show you how to do this, he explains subtleties such as the proper consistency of the paint during different stages of the process, the best angle at which to hold the knife, and even proper cleaning of your tools and disposal of excess paint.
It’s a quick , thorough introduction to a fundamental oil painting technique. Daryl, an accomplished, passionate painter and teacher, is tireless in his efforts to make painting accessible. Read more about Daryl on his website,
We are very excited about Daryl’s upcoming La Romita workshop! Painting Italian Villages, Shops and Hillsides, October 9-23, 2014.