It’s time for our new La Romita tradition, the End of Year Aperitivos!
When the pandemic hit, we scrambled for a way to establish something positive, something aligned to our mission, and the Aperitivos quickly became our primary tool. Last year, we hosted a three-part series to cap what we thought would be the year lost to pandemic, expecting that by summer we’d be able to host workshops again.
Sadly, that’s not how things turned out, but it gives us an opportunity to do something special again so as we enter the final month of 2021, we have two special Aperitivos planned.
The first will be dedicated to “The New Grand Tour”, discussing the parallels between the famous Grand Tour of the 18th Century, and the modern art-travel experience. This was supposed to be the topic of our first December Aperitivo last year, but Ben’s AMAZING history lesson on La Romita’s architecture ended up stealing the show!
In our second Aperitivo, we will focus on all of the wonderful submissions from our Memory Books campaign. We will have a slideshow of all the submissions, take a look at the new webpage we’re creating for them, and share our hopes for the upcoming year. We will end the evening with the raffle to see who wins the Gamblin gift pack and the trip to La Romita in 2022!
These two events are part of our fundraising campaign to tide us until our eventual return to Italy. The first part of the campaign is the Memory Books fundraiser, for which we’ll be accepting submissions until December 13th. For that campaign, donations are suggested but not required to participate.
Even as our Memory Books campaign draws to a close, there’s still an opportunity for you to support us and help us cover our expenses until we are able to welcome our first students back to La Romita!
As a token of thanks, we’re offering a 2021 Pandemic mug made by our longtime friends at Peccetti Cermics for donations over $100.
We need your support to sustain us through this time, and as we are a 501.c.3 non-profit, your donation is tax deductable.