This workshop is designed to reignite and rediscover the artist inside. Our entire focus and purpose will be to “Eat, Sleep, Paint”. We will take the time to utilize acute observational skills, revisit technical applications and practice a direct and confident approach to both sketching and painting.

I want workshop participants to give themselves permission to be artists by allowing them uninterrupted focus on their work. I will encourage students to quiet that voice that may say “ you’re not good enough, you aren’t talented enough, you have other obligations”.

Our itinerary will include day trips to beautiful medieval towns, gorgeous landscape, and some interestingly curious painting locations. We will spend nearly all of our mornings out in the field working en pleine aire. I will be painting/ demonstrating most mornings, and all are welcome to watch me work. However, I understand some may be itching to go out on their own to catch that morning light, which is perfectly all right with me too. This will be your workshop and my job is to help you connect with your inner artist. When we return to La Romita in the afternoons, students can put finishing touches on their work, or have a one on one with me regarding their work.

Being an artist is about thinking enough of yourself and your potential to spend time on your practice. It is about the journey rather than judging the finished product. Come join me as a student and return home as a more confident artist.

Karen will demonstrate with ink in her sketchbook, and watercolor in the field. However, students of oil, acrylic, and pastel are welcome and will benefit. Most of the focus will be directed on working en plein aire, while the studio back at La Romita will be utilized for lectures, informal critiques, and finishing our daily work.


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May 11, 2017

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