The La Romita Fund

As a 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization founded in 1965 and dedicated to cross-cultural exchange, La Romita School of Art, Inc. accepts your tax-deductible donation.

You can support La Romita’s goal of fostering cross-cultural exchange through the arts in one of two ways. Due to the generosity of La Romita School benefactor Dolores “Dee” Levine, La Romita School has established the Dolores Levin Memorial Scholarship Fund, to fund individual scholarships, for deserving art students and teachers, who would not otherwise be able to afford the cost of participation in classes and seminars offered by the La Romita School of Art, Inc. Your tax-deductible gift can go into this Scholarship Fund.

You can also give to our General Cultural Fund, to support such cultural activities as lectures, arts exhibitions and art shows. In collaboration with the Comune di Terni, Umbria, La Romita hosted such a cross-cultural arts show in 2008, show-casing the art of La Romita participants and instructors as well as local Umbrian artists.

Please contact Tracy Posey or Ben and Enza Quargnali, either via email ( or by phone (Toll-free 855-476-6482) if you would like to support La Romita School through a tax-deductible contribution. Your valued contribution will help La Romita School of Art provide need-based scholarships for its programs and assist with its mission of promoting cultural exchange. You can mail your contributions directly to us at our business address, specifying “General Fund” or “Scholarship Fund.”

La Romita School of Art, Inc.
c/o Charitable Giving
P.O. Box 58219
Washington, DC 20037

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